Dave O’Grady

My essentials for Stereographics © DaveOGrady
Hébergé chez l’impeccable label Mellowtone Records (aux cotés d’Edgar Jones et de Nick Ellis), Dave O’Grady aka Seafoam Green est un type étonnant. Tout d’abord, cet Irlandais a été adopté par un label de Liverpool et a réussi, on ne sait comment, à faire produire son album Topanga Mansion par Rich Robinson des Black Crowes. Ce dernier n’accorde pas sa bienveillance à n’importe qui… C’est donc un bon indicateur des talents et de l’humanité de cet Irlandais. Enfin, O’Grady a fait une tournée de sept dates en France en sept jours. Alors que certains rechignent à traverser la Manche pour deux concerts, O’Grady a pris la route avec sa fameuse Gibson J45 pour venir prêcher la bonne parole. Sous le chapeau (présent sur la photo) se cache donc un chic type aux chansons qui relient le Vieux Continent à la Georgie natale des Crowes, le meilleur groupe de rock pour une tripotée d’Américains. Louis Teyssedou


Gibson J45 – This is the guitar that I take everywhere, I use for every gig and is my dearest friend.
Hat – I found this hat in a lovely little shop in Amsterdam a couple years, as soon as I put it on..it was difficult to take off, so I kept it.
Headphones – No explanation necessary.
Drawing – This sketch is by Rich Robinson called ‘American Beauty’, it was very generous gift from him a few years ago. I think it is a perfect combination of beauty and ugliness.
1977 Fender Champ w/picture of myself and my mother – I got this amp for £100 on a used good website, I haven’t changed anything..it sounds killer!
Writing book w/ turquoise stone – I am always trying to take note of my thoughts, where better to take them down.
Polaroid Camera – I love this camera, It’s much more special when someone wants a photo with you and you can offer them a actual photo than a stupid selfie.
Howard Marks – Mr Nice was the first book I read for pleasure whilst working on a ship in the north sea one Christmas. A man who has led an incredibly exciting life.
Incense & Pipe – Well…its good to relax.
Oscar Wilde – His writing is humbling.
Scarf – I grew up in Dublin, Ireland. My first emotional experiences were watching St Patricks Athletic win and lose. It’s also where I learned to sing…”Oh when the Saints, go marching in, Oh..”
Vinyl (Eddie Harris) – I never collected anything, so now I collect vinyl…and Eddie Harris is wonderful musician, I was never into Jazz but he grabbed me.

Dave O’Grady
February 2017

Plus d’informations sur Dave O’Grady

My essentials for Stereographics by Dave O’Grady
© Dave O’Grady / All rights reserved / Reproduction prohibited without permission of the author

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